Tutors and teachers hate this word…

I’m going to use a word you probably won’t like… “sales.” Ewww…Most tutors and educators hate this word because it brings up connotations of sleezy salesmen or manipulating

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Who are you going to tutor?

Personally, I would decide what type of students you’d ideally like to tutor. The subject, year level and their goals. For example, my website clearly focuses on Methods

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Do this at the end of each tutoring session!

It’s a really good idea to create a survey for the student(s) to complete after each session. You can also get the parent to fill out a separate

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Doing Online Tutoring Sessions

These days online sessions are more popular than ever and if you aren’t doing them, I would highly recommend it!There is something to be said about being in

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How to get started quickly!

There’s a lot you can do to get set up, create a business name, a website, social media, business cards etc etc.Please don’t do any of this.If you

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The 30 day plan to get new students!

My advice? Don’t try to be too fancy, just start promoting!We will work on improving the promotion later but to begin with, it’s doing ANY promotion and in

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The Most Important thing to know about Getting More Students

Word of mouth and asking people you know is the easiest way to get students rapidly, but if you want to grow and help more students, you it’s

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How to get the best result for your students

To get the best results in a tutoring session there are a few things you need to know! Let's start with the first session.The purpose of the first

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Sometimes you need to say “No.”

This article is related to Tutoring, but we need to go over some basics first.We are to some degree, the sum of the people around us.If we are

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