The purpose of this website is...

To help secondary school graduates use what they have learnt in school to help other students, create a meaningful impact on society and earn as much money as they need.

Hi! My name's Alex and I’m the creator of the largest Maths Methods website in Australia: 

We help over 10,000 students, teachers, tutors and parents every year and have proven results in both attracting students and helping them achieve their academic and personal goals.

I help tutors become more successful in...

Getting Started


Get set up! Learn the essentials to start being a tutor and avoid the common time sucking pitfalls other tutors fall into

Finding Students


This is not sales! Learn simple proven methods to attracting and getting students (as few or as many as you like!)

Feeling Confident


Learn to teach confidently and effectively, even if you've never tutored before! You'll probably be better at it than you think 🙂

What others have said!

Alex really knows his stuff! He's been my mentor for many years and helped me learn more about tutoring, business and helping people than anyone else. If you get the chance to learn from him, I would HIGHLY recommend it.



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