FREE 4 step cheatsheet to be a successful tutor

Download the FREE step-by-step checklist on how to get started as a tutor and find as many students as you want. Suitable for any tutor (whether you are starting out or already established) and any school subject.

This cheatsheet contains the 4 Simple Steps you need to know to be a Successful Tutor!

01 Getting set up!

Learn the essentials to start being a tutor and avoid the common time sucking pitfalls!

02 Get students now!

Learn the quickest way to get students rapidly and start tutoring now!

03 Get confidence!

Get advice on how to be the best possible tutor, even if you've never tutored before!

04 Overcome problems!

Get advice to overcome the most common barriers tutors run into and how to solve them!

This is perfect for beginners and established tutors!

Learn how to rapidly start tutoring and get more students! Get the free cheat sheet and receive more helpful advice to overcome any problem you are facing.


I take you through each step you need to get started so you can begin tutoring!


Learn how to find more students or overcome any tutoring  problem you are having!


Learn to find just a couple of new students or hundreds of them! Your choice :)

Just fill out this form to instantly access your cheatsheet!

Also let me know anything else you'd like help with so I can email you some advice on how to handle it! I will personally send you an email to help.

Made by a tutor with thousands of students!

I'm Alex! The creator of the largest Maths Methods website in Australia, I have helped thousands of students and have been an educator for many subjects. I've also helped hundreds of tutors get more students and help them get better results with their students. Whether you are just starting out and don't know the first thing about tutoring, or you have been tutoring for years and want to increase your impact on the education system, I'm sure you will benefit from my free resources.

What else will you receive?

We cover everything you need to know from starting a tutoring business, getting more students, helping students overcome problems and any other issues you may run into!

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Feedback from successful tutors!

Alex really knows his stuff! He's been my mentor for many years and helped me learn more about tutoring, business and helping people than anyone else. If you get the chance to learn from him, I would HIGHLY recommend it.



Get started for free now!

Also let me know anything else you'd like help with so I can email you some advice on how to handle it! I will personally send you an email to help.

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