It’s a really good idea to create a survey for the student(s) to complete after each session. You can also get the parent to fill out a separate one. The best idea is to text it and get them to complete it straight after the session and wait for them to be done before your sign off. I would create one online with Google or Survey Monkey, learn more here.

Make sure you tell them to be completely honest and you won’t be offended for anything they say (and don’t be!). Also mention that you want to hear both the good and bad things so you can be an even more effective tutor for them.

Here are a sample of questions I would ask…

  • How would you rate the session overall? (1 lowest/10 highest)
  • What did you gain from today’s session? (What did you like? What wins did you have?)
  • What about the session could have been improved?
  • How was the pace? Was it slightly too fast or slow?
  • What are your current marks at the moment? Have they improved?
  • Who else do you know who would benefit from tutoring?

This will give you a better idea of what to cover next session and how you can be even more effective in helping them!

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Alex has helped over 50,000 students, teachers and tutors. He's the creator of How2tutor & and has been an educator in many different fields. 

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